go apeshit

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Englannin sanakirja

go apeshit englanniksi

  1. puhekieltä To behave in an extreme manner; to act without restraint, especially by becoming explosively angry.

  2. 1999, Buddy Seigal, "http://www.ocweekly.com/1999-08-26/music/even-old-englishmen-still-get-wood/ Even Old Englishmen Still Get Wood," OC Weekly, 26 Aug. (retrieved 16 June 2009):

  3. Dexter's vocals are competent enough: his timbre is thin and eternally teenaged, but he can go apeshit on the hiccupy histrionics like no one's business.
  4. 2003, Ann Romano, "http://www.portlandmercury.com/columns/week-in-review/Content?oid=29279 One Day at a Time: The Week in Review," The Portland Mercury, 1 May (retrieved 16 June 2009):

  5. Naturally, the touchy airline crew went apeshit and when the plane landed, the LAPD was waiting for Mr. Zizza.
  6. 2008, "http://nymag.com/daily/food/2008/01/socialista_doorman_jeff_trunel.html Socialista Doorman Jeffrey Trunell Wants to Let You In But Sometimes Can't," New York Magazine, 23 Jan. (retrieved 16 June 2009):

  7. He walked down the street and I was looking past him and he went apeshit—"What the fuck you fuckin’ looking at? I’ll fuckin’ kill you."
